After a turbulent week, Al Fahim arrived at Portsmouth FC for the game against Fulham. Owing to traffic congestion, he arrived just befor kick-off to see his first ever live Premiership game. His arrival was very low-key - and fans were not treated to an appearance in the centre circle
Choosing to wear and eye-catching white jacket, Al Fahim was the focus of all attention in the Directors' box, sat next to Peter Storrie.
Despite the pre-season disruption, Portsmouth had the majority of the play. However it must have been evident to Al Fahim that additional investment is required to ensure the team create more chances and improve their cutting edge up-front.
Your most pathetic post yet - weeks of stabbing the bloke in the face and now a not so subtle acknowledgement that you were wrong.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't agree more Lina. You have said it all.
ReplyDeleteHaving followed the soap opera of Al Fahim for the past few months, it's obvious this guy loves the limelight. Al Fahim is some muppet. Is he buying the club or not? Imagine trying to buy a football club when you don't have enough money, then hanging on and trying desperately to find some backers. He's basicaly running Portsmouth FC into the ground solely to satisfy his need to be famous.
ReplyDeleteYour article said he arrived before kick-off. That, I understand is incorrect. He took his seat just before the Fulham goal was scored.
ReplyDeleteHence the hilarious article in the Telegraph wich basicallty said 'Sulaiman Al Fahim was delayed in traffic (can the man not do anything on time?)'. This is the link..
I agree withe the above. It is about time the man got his finger out.
As for Fahim, how about this for a quote from Storrie too 'When Sacha bought PFC, it took 6 weeks. Sacha also gave money to buy players before the deal was complete to help buy players in the window' - which is a HUGE indication of what a GENUINE investor would do.
I am stuanch pompey fan and i think the drawing down of £120 million in one year (including sky money)by gaydamak and still waiting for another 60/80 million from any new owner, is killing our chances of staying in the premiership, rather than Al-Fahim being careful or slow with his approach
ReplyDeleteI think that this website has been consistently closer to the truth than any other source. It seems only a matter of time before the obvious is confirmed; that this transaction will not happen. If it could have, it would have already. Both the CEO and Manager have stated that they do not think that it will take place. Mr Gaydamak is clearly an honourable man who has been put into a very difficult position by this character. If anybody can come up with an alternative it is Mr Storrie who is a very smart and well connected CEO. It would be brilliant if he could lead a new ownership team. Rumours are growing of developments this week on this front. Fingers crossed.
ReplyDeleteyou'd be hard pressed to find a pompey fan that now believes al fahim is anything other than a total chancer.
ReplyDeletehe rode into fratton park 3 months ago on a big white horse hailed as portsmouth's saviour...he'll be leaving very soon nothing more than a joker.
If to think in terms of publicity dollars generated for Al Fahim, he is definitely a winner. One could only imagine how much it would cost to have paid articles with a large photo of himself published in international media, moreover naming him a 'tycoon', a 'billionnaire'.
ReplyDeleteA guy walks in, signs an MOU and makes an offer that is subject to due diligence. No money paid at any stage so far, hence no risk.
He could enjoy publicity and wide coverage of his persona until he is bored...
Personally, I think we're better off without this conman chancer. Hopefully the deal will fall through ASAP and we can go about finding a buyer (or buyers) with real commitment to the club.
ReplyDeleteLMAO, Fair Comment you are a disgrace to journalism and bloggers.
ReplyDeleteNothing you put on here is FACT. All rumours, scaremongering and just pure lies.
Once the takeover is completed, I hope this farce of a news source is taken down and seen for what it is, a bitter person who is seeking to damage someones reputation via this site full of libelous accusations.
I wouldn't say any of the comments/blog posts here are anything less that Fahim deserves, his list of 'mistakes'/'errant claims' and the number of times the goal posts are moved is just growing week by week.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone cannot see that something is seriously amiss here you must be sitting a dark room with tin foil wrapped around your head. Whether this is because of something sinister in the background or simply the inability to get things done either reason does not bode well for Pompey’s future.
If he really understood what these bizarre twists and turns are doing both to the club and his credibility surely he would stop hiding behind a ‘spokesperson’ and be interviewed by a credible source and be prepared to explain exactly what is going on, and better still to prove his actual net worth, as he is clearly not and never was a billionaire.
I feel sorry for the Pompey fans who have fallen for this con. Southampton just down the road faced a similar problem with Fialka, who claimed to want to be low profile but who took every opportunity to appear on whatever media he could smiling and claiming to have the funds, while stringing the process out for as long as possible to milk every opportunity for media exposure. Fact was he never had the cash.
ReplyDeleteSadly, the UK media are reporting bilge from Arabian Business as fact, when everyone knows that it is just a mouthpiece for Fahim in a country with very strict control of the media.
I think the fans want to seize anything that gives the club a way out, all Fahim is doing is holding the door closed and preventing someone or some consortium that does have the cash to complete a deal from coming in.
Pompey fans who are supporting Fahim are just encouraging him to string the process out for as long as possible and thereby hasten the demise of the club.
Flackster, most of us were hoping here would go away and Storrie would win.
ReplyDeleteWe forgot to factor in the weasel Sasha in our calculations.
Ah well, CCC next year.