Thursday, 2 July 2009

$100,000 Dollar Donation

The winner of 'Hydra Executives' won $1m. However, how much he eventually gets to spend is anyone's guess.

Winner Richard Best has announced he has given a cool $100k to IIMSAM (see earlier post). Now why would he give so much to an organisation that he had never heard of a few months ago and which promotes the production of, er, algae? Well according to Best, he was introduced to the organisation by Dr Al Fahim and now feels he simply must give them a large wad.

Of course it helps that he will now be working with Al Fahim and that such a donation will 'oil the wheels'. In return Best has also been given a rather dubious 'award' from another non-UN organisation (similar to IIMSAM) called IREO. We don't know much about IREO but again Al Fahim is involved. Again IREO could easily be mistaken for a UN organisation. Interestingly the website seems to have been created by the same people who crafted the IIMSAM website. Is there a reason why Al Fahim attaches himself these UN-sounding organisations? Check out the story and links:

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