Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Leap of Faith required by Al Fahim

Standard Bank have demanded repayment of their outstanding £36m loans by Friday 24 July. Senior staff at the club are aware that the club face Administration this week if the sale does not go ahead. Despite Al Fahim's requests to the FA Premier League, the Fit And Proper Persons test is not due to be completed until the following week. This leaves Al Fahim in a dilemma.

A Leap of Faith is required by Al Fahim to purchase Portsmouth FC in advance of the Fit and Proper Persons completion. Al Fahim would instantly become responsible Portsmouth's debts but would not be able to sign any new players until the Premier League complete their investigations and given him the green light.

Al Fahim has personally made a request to the Premier League to conclude the deal to the new pressing timescale, but they are so-far unwilling to rush the investigations through.


  1. Al Fahim is nothing but a common thief. He has stolen thousands of investors money while at Hydra Properties. Wait to see the mess he will leave Portsmouth in....

  2. This isn't a very bitter site at all is it?
    It is plain to see that certain people thought they could make a quick killing from a property deal and having realised that they can't are now prepared to sink to any depths to besmirch Al Fahim's name.

    I think he's rich enough and influential enough to rise above the petty comments of a few greedy people.

    As for public sympathy with your cause....You must be joking, you greedy speculators.
