Tuesday, 7 July 2009

£60m purchase price too high?

With the review of the books of Portsmouth FC now complete, questions over the purchase price have been raised. Sources advise that the £60m price tag is causing concern. Al Fahim co-investors are yet to be convinced that that the club represents good value at that price. Al Fahim remains keen but needs to bring his colleagues with him to make this happen.


  1. do you really know what youre talking about?

  2. Can I please ask for the source of this information?

  3. 'Sources'

    And they might be...?

  4. Do you work for one of the Uk newspapers that has spent the last two month badmouthing the potential buyer and the club?

  5. you obviously have a personal vendetta against the doctor.
    why not sort it out with him like a man, instead of writing unfounded rubbish supposedly fed to you by a mythical "source".

  6. i also note your blog has only been going for a few days, and your profile is empty.
    ...says it all really.
