Thursday, 2 July 2009

UN 'Goodwill Ambassador'

Many of Al Fahim's aides often claim that Al Fahim is a UN 'Goodwill Ambassador'. However this is wide of the mark. Al Fahim has links with Diego Maradonna's cousin who runs an organisation called IIMSAM. IIMSAM promotes the use of a type of algae as foodstuff. IIMSAM is not part of the UN.

IIMSAM believes that aglae can be a useful foodstuff an can help areas where there is malnutrition. In the 70's the UN said it believed algae could be a wonder food but IIMSAM is certainly not part of the UN. It is not clear if the algae offers a practical solution to malnutrition as large quantities of water are required to produce it.

Al Fahim was given the title of 'Goodwill Ambassador' for IIMSAM. It is very unfortunate that this title often confuses people and they think he is actually linked to the UN. He isn't! It is also unfortunate that IIMSAM use such misleading titles!

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